Logic and Mindset
Improve quality of your life by changing your mindset, learn about Universal Matrix and ways it can help you in any part of your life
  • Critical thinking, concentration, creative states, mindfitness
  • provocative questions, insightful articles, practical exercises
  • subscription or on demand payments
8 138,43 XDDT - 1 exercise

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About XDDT Price
Money that fuel production of books, card decks, other physical assets or time spent on mentorship and service partially go to liquidity pool of XDDT. Investors receive XDDT token after each sales round. As for now you can complete simple tasks and get airdrop coins for free.
How are we going to assign value to XDDT?
We take level #3 asset - MD card deck of 72-78 cards. It is a basic model of the system and a good material token example.

Task level 3 cost 32 553,71 XDDT according to MD task valuation system.

1 Deck Price including production and everything else shall stay constant and be around 32,55$

Level 3 product price $ / Level 3 task value in XDDT = 0,00099988603449499$

That's our target XDDT $ price in close future

If you want spend your XDDT on level 3 product and higher it is not possible until you invest $

However, there are huge discounts for early investors and liquidity providers

For example, level 3 product card decks will be printed in qty 10-100 decks or more. This way asset production will be cheaper. And early birds will obtain collectible physical decks cheaper. There will be NFT packs too.
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