Use MD TIME Cards Deck in order to create a new game, solitaire, spread or an exercise
Card deck contains 72 + 6 cards
1 card with QR code to instruction
12 symbols
12 colors
Color palette and a matrix
Unique card back
Use to play, relax and have fun
Train your intuition and logic
Create new neurons
How to create a game?
Or a solitaire, or a spread
Learn the instruction that goes with the deck. Learn basic game Integral Fool and play it. Learn about Up/Down Flow solitaire, learn spreads and subconscious mediation technique
Experiment with the deck. Combine your card games knowledge with MD TIME Cards and invent something new. Alchemy!

Simply relax with cards. Try to combine cards differently and invent solitaires.

Spreads are used to work with subconscious. Program the matrix and assign values. Spread will show you the deeper picture.


  1. I want to create an exercise
  2. Take 2 parameters: i - color hot (7-12), ii - color cold (1-6)
  3. Aim is to guess hot or cold cards before you see them
  4. I put cold cards to the right and hot cards to the left
  5. I put cards I guess card back up, cards I miss card back down
  6. Take one card after another all 72
  7. Count how many cold and how many hot cards guessed
  8. Practice with guessing hot or cold cards several times till
  9. Get better result, learn the mechanics
  10. Use intuition lesson from card deck in real life, get confirmation
  11. Make your new ability a new behavioral norm
  12. Finish exercise, confess the result
Submit your task here
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